About us

„ Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”



Physiotherapist and naturopathic practitioner

In my many years of therapeutic work with process- and resource-oriented approaches, I was able to gain valuable experiences and a wealth of knowledge. I experience again and again how people of all ages rediscover contact with their own body through the dialogue in the therapeutic setting, find their balance and gain confidence in their self-efficacy.

My intention is to accompany people on their path and dealing with their problems, to support them in recognizing, developing, and living their potential. In this context, the following question has repeatedly arisen for me:

What is the driving force that contributes to healing?

I am continuously searching for answers to these questions, which is why I often participate in international education and training programs, where I am able to differentiate, deepen, and review all that I have learned and refuel my curiosity.

I was able to apply, review, and develop my experiences and knowledge in various – also international – projects for example in Austria, Switzerland, and Laos. That is to say I, too, am in an ongoing learning process.

I was moved and inspired by both, the CranioSacral therapy by Dr. John Upledger as well as the biodynamic cardiovascular CranioSacral therapy by Michael Shea.

Training, qualifications, competences

1990Physiotherapist certification
9 years of practical experience in the orthopedic rehabilitation clinic Ulm
1998Training as a CranioSacral therapist following Upledger
2003CranioSacral therapist certification
2005Hakomi therapist certification
20052 years of training in system and family positions by Dr. Ursula Franke
2007Foundation of the naturopathic practice KörperBewusstSein in Munich
20073-year mentorship training with Russel Delman „Embodied Life“
2010Foundation and management of the Moving Child Foundation
2006–2012 Education and training in visceral manipulation according to J.-P. Barrall
and osteopathic treatment techniques according to Sutherland
2015Naturopath certification
2009–2017Dance therapist BTD certification by Susanne Bender
2016–2017Craniosacral Psychodynamics certification by Michael Mokrus
2017Continuous training in biodynamic cardiovascular CranioSacral Therapy
by Michael Shea
2017Diploma in dance therapy
2014–2018Feldenkrais pedagogue certification by Beatrix Walterspiel
2018–2019Certified NARM-therapist by Dr. Laurence Heller
2021Palliative care training at the Institute Goldener Bildungsweg Eching a.A.
2021-2022 Ruf24 training as a crisis attendant at the AKM
2022Hospice attendant training at Dasein e.V.
2022Certification as a biodynamic cardiovascular craniosacral therapist
with Michael Shea

Ongoing further education in trauma therapy for infants, children, and adults with Sarito Fuhrmann and Elisabeth Schneider Kaiser.


Naturopathic practitioner and astrologer

„Nature, in all its diversity and creativity, is my favorite teacher. Just as every flower knows when its growth processes are coming, this knowledge is also within us. The flower opens its blossoms out of joy, in its own rhythm and in connection with the environment and the nutrition that promotes growth.“

I have been working in astrology since 1980. My experiences and my knowledge of homeopathy, Bach flowers, the genogram accompany the learning and the process of self-healing. In all this, astrology is the source of inspiration.

I am part of the Professional Association for Naturopathic Practitioners www.lachesis.de.

Life stations

1958Born on 22nd November 1958 at 14:50 in Eisenstadt/Austria
1978–1980Special pedagogue educator certification with focus on
physical disabilities in Vienna
1980Move to Berlin, Germany
1980–1987Setup and concept development of the integration of disabled children
into public daycare. Employee in an integration focused daycare center
in Berlin Kreuzberg.
1987–1990Self-managed School of Naturopathic Practitioners Berlin with a focus
on homeopathy, breathing work according to Middendorf, astrology
and self-healing
1990–2000Opening of the Women’s Naturopathic Practice in Berlin with a focus on
women’s health, infants and children with a focus on homeopathy,
psychological astrology, astromedicine and self-healing.
Offering of training activities for self-awareness courses in
various educational institutions in Austria and Germany on the topics
cancer, addiction, sexual abuse, power-/powerlessness structures.
Participation in further education astrology, breathing work, supervision
and coaching.
1998–2000Own practice in Bamberg and continuous teaching of courses
in astrology, self-healing, and homeopathy.
Participation in training courses in shamanism, subtle energy work,
breathing work and homeopathy.
2000–2001Travelling through Southeast Asia and Australia
2001–2006Foundation of a naturopathic practice in Andalusia/Spain.
Giving further courses and management of training courses in
Germany and Austria. Collaboration in various psychological and
naturopathic practices.
2006–2007Own practice for woman’s health in Munich; with a team of
psychologists, gynecologists, pediatricians, naturopathic physicians,
physiotherapists, and osteopaths.
Further training in systemic family therapy and trauma therapy.
2006–2014Board of the Professional Association for Naturopathic Practitioners
2007 Foundation of the naturopathic practice KörperBewusstSein in Munich
2007–20103-year mentorship training with Russell Delman „Embodied Life“
(Zen Meditation, Feldenkrais, Focusing)
2010Foundation and management of the Moving-Child Foundation:
2014–2018Feldenkrais teacher certification by with Beatrix Walterspiel
2018–2019NARM-therapist certification by the founder of the method
Dr Laurence Heller
2021Palliative care training at the Institute Goldener Bildungsweg Eching a.A.
2021-2022 Ruf24 training as a crisis attendant at the AKM (outpatient children’s hospice in Munich)
2022Hospice attendant training at Dasein e.V.

Systemic and trauma therapy training with Dr. Ursula Franke, Sarito Fuhrmann, Elisabeth Schneider Kaiser, and Michael Mokrus.

Further education in biodynamic cranoiosacral work with Michael Shea.

Special thanks goes to Mrs. Edith Wangemann, who, as my principal teacher, passed on the knowledge of astrology and astromedicine to me.